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Crystal Products

Effective to enhance stability and financial security at work place or home, pyrite is exceptionally effective for opening new venues and opportunities for growth. Considered one of the most effective crystal for dealing with financial aspects, Golden pyrite is highly sought after and is equally difficult to be sourced. Resonating with Root & Solar Plexus chakra, this one crystal can help you heal many aspects of your life.

> It opens up new opportunities for you to grow and capitalize on your strengths > It works wonder if you are looking for attracting new clientage for your business.

> Pyrite can be effectively use to resolve blocked money issues.

> This crystal can rejuvenate your energy and prompt you to be decisive and determined in life

> Pyrite is helpful for attaining mental and emotional balance and works wonder in keeping you strong and stable, So that you can take good work related decisions in Job or Business.



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Please note that we do not currently have a return policy in place for our products.

₹ 900.00